Herbal Stress Busters

Herbs can help you relax and de-stress, or bolster your spirit!

Herbal stress busters work most effectively as part of a lifestyle approach to nourishing yourself. Luckily, herbs lend themselves readily to some of the best relaxation methods—bathing with herbs, quiet time with herbal tea, or massage with relaxing essential oils.

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Herbal Stress Busters for the Bath

Dip into a warm, fragrant bath and feel the tension ease. Give yourself the gift of time to unwind. Add soft music, a good book, and if you have children, put your husband in charge and lock the door! Use herbs such as Lavender, Chamomile and Oats to nourish your nervous system and improve coping abilities. Steep a handful of herbs in 2 quarts of water for 20-30 minutes; strain before adding this “tea” to your bath. Or put the herbs in a muslin bag to hang over the faucet as the tub fills. You can also use the bag to gently exfoliate your skin—you’ll feel like you’ve been to the spa!

You can add essential oils to the bag of herbs or directly to the tub—up to 10 drops per bath for adults. Try Sandalwood, Neroli, or Lavender to relax, or rosemary or peppermint for a pick-me-up. The warmth of the water relaxes your muscles as it releases the scent of the oils.

Bath salts are very popular now. Look for commercial products that contain real essential oils or make your own. Mix four tablespoons sea salts, three tablespoons mineral salts, such as Epsom salts, and one tablespoon baking soda or borax. Add 5 drops of essential oil. This makes enough for two to three baths—and a great gift too.

Herbal Stress Busters as Tea and for Massage

Teas made with Lemon Balm are sedative, antidepressant, and restore the nervous system. Oat straw is a great addition to teas and can help heal damaged nerves. Chamomile, catnip and passionflower are very soothing and can help improve sleep. To strengthen your system to withstand daily stressors, drink a cup or two of these herbal teas every day.

Massage is great for reducing stress on its own. Add aroma-therapeutic oils like Lavender, ylang ylang or Rose Geranium to help relax tight muscles, reduce anxiety, and lift depression, respectively.

Herbal Stress Busters for Better Sleep

If stress is keeping you up at night, Valerian is a great alternative sleep aid and does not cause morning grogginess. It is sedative, antispasmodic and helps relieve pain. It is most commonly used for nervous anxiety, insomnia, and migraines. A small percentage of the population can have an opposite reaction to Valerian and find it stimulating. If you find you are one of those people, discontinue use. Inquire at your health food store or neighborhood herbalist about Motherwort and Skullcap.

Dream Pillows made with Hops, Lavender, and other herbs are useful for insomnia, nervous tension and even indigestion. The strong sedative quality of Hops makes it a good choice for anxiety, but it is not recommended for depression.

Kerry Hunt is trained in Western Medicinal Herbology.  The article, Herbal Stress Busters, was previously published in The Connecticut Thymes.

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